Sleeping With ASMR

This one is a bit different in that the subject is chiropracty, (a subject I haven’t checked into before).

Hips, Legs, TMJ, Deviated Nasal Septum, Neck and Shoulder Pain- Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

The “patient” here – Daniela seems to be very fond of talking. It is not that restful – at least to start with. Dr Gonstead, the chiropractor here, is much calmer and easier to listen to.

Dr. Rahim Gonstead Chiropractor” is the channel. Checking the whole channel has become the habit now. If I find one video I look to see if there is a greater resource worth mining. After all why just leave it to chance that I’ll find lots more ASMR videos in the future.

Perhaps if anything he is a little on the quiet side (probably only in contrast with “the patient” in this case though). Wait awhile though – it gets better. For example, later Daniela’s mother is talking and she has a great voice.

Examining this channel there are in excess of five hundred videos as at today’s date. I think they’re being used as a business promotion vehicle and so this may explain the sheer number. Still, I am very impressed.

There is no way I can feature that number of videos in a single blog post – I think the longest post so far was twenty three videos (and I felt that was a bit long). I’m sure that I can return to Dr Rahim in the future and pick up some of the other videos.

It turns out that Daniela – for that is the lady who is featured in the video above – has a playlist on this channel dedicated to her. This consists of eight videos which is a much more workable number. This first one is the longest. Some of the subsequent videos include chiropractic treatment which is not that pleasant to watch – I’m going to be exercising a strong censorship on such things. I’ll include them in this blog post though in case other people are still keen to view.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes – Daniela is the original playlist, it includes the above video and the following:

Hips, Legs, TMJ, Deviated Nasal Septum, Neck and Shoulder Pain – Part 2 – Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

Not sure about the intro music although it’s better than some of the Warwick Medical School Videos.

Dr Gonstead starts a little loud for me but it soon settles down. Daniela does not seem to talk as much, which is a bonus. Her mother really has a much better voice. Some of the thuds are a bit shocking but not so much that I want to delete it from the playlist. To be honest, the reactions are more disturbing than the joint noises in any case, best not to look.

Given how much pressure Dr Gonstead puts on at intervals I am somewhat relieved he is professionally qualified. It obviously looks more dramatic than it is and fortunately it sounds ok. If you’re of nervous disposition probably best to listen rather than watch.

I think the funky table/chair is fascinating although the motor powering it could sound a lot less like a power tool for me.

I’m not sure what the vibratory tool is he uses on Daniela’s jaw but it is zero on the ASMR scale as far as I am concerned.

I think I’m going to start excluding those where the vibratory tool is used from the playlist – I can’t see how anyone could sleep with that sounding.

Hips, Legs, TMJ, Deviated Nasal Septum, Neck and Shoulder Pain – Part 3- Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

This starts off with lovely, calm walking – nothing in the way of popping and crunching noises so a brief respite. I’m not sure if I’m being taken in but the “patient” here does seem to be progressing rather well.

Unfortunately, we get the vibrator tool again which is way too loud. And the motorised couch thing ditto. Outside of that I’d say this is excellent. Another one not to include in the playlist therefore.

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Mother gets adjusted also – Part 4 – Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

This is actually quite relaxing to start with. Perhaps because the sessions have been ongoing the relationship is more chilled, a lot less talking. This is the second longest video of the set. Perhaps it is because we have seen a few now but I am less disturbed by all the manipulations than at the start. (I still don’t like the motorised couch though).

More with the jaw vibration tool (which makes vacuum cleaning seem relaxing – I’d love to edit that bit out).

TMJ here is temporomandibular joint.

He also adjusts Daniela’s mother who has a great voice but a less good squeal. A great ASMR candidate if she didn’t make such loud noises on manipulation, once or twice I was sure she could wake the dead. (Not helped by extra vibratory tool application). Another one not to include in the playlist.

Daniela’s Back, Neck, TMJ, Deviated Nasal Septum, Elbow and Wrists HELPED – Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

Daniela is back to the chatty Daniela. It would seem that she and Mum did not keep a follow-up appointment and, as a consequence, things have reverted a little. The initial exam is great ASMR-wise. The manipulations are not that off-putting. Daniela is a little loud at intervals but the jaw vibration tool excludes this one from the playlist sadly.

Back, Knees, Ankles, Neck, TMJ and Arm PAINS HELPED *Round 2* Dr. Rahim Chiropractic,

It starts out as an explanation of Daniela’s condition (assisted by X-Rays) so this is not so much an exam. However, have patience – the exam proper follows that discussion. We still have the mobile table sounds and any number of joint pops. They probably work for someone – for me they’re just a distraction. Sadly, it’s back with the vibration machine and that is just so loud. Again, this video won’t be in the playlist

Daniela and Mom’s FINAL visit with Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

Nearly there, this has been a long post and an even longer time spent reviewing videos. It seems a heel lift is the answer, it’s just persuading the patient to use them. Nice quiet discussion at the start and it all seems so positive (if you’ve taken the time to trawl through the others).

I’m not sure if it’s tired eyes but to me the video seemed lower quality. But in practice I just get to listen to them and if you’re using them for sleep as well, I would guess that you’re in the same boat. This one is a bit vocal in places – more than even in previous videos. The result is that there are less chilled ASMR-style moments. In addition there is copious use of the vibratory tool – so good only if you skip past that. I’m not clear how you’re supposed to do that if you are half asleep.

I think the quality of the playlist is going to be the main appeal of this blog so if people find material in the playlist that they’d like excluding let me know and I’ll edit those videos out.

I may even start a process of doing this at intervals myself – quality being more important than quantity in my view.

Best Reactions to CrunchY CrAcks! Dr. Rahim Chiropractic

No No No No. Definitely not playlist materal.

So just one video makes it to the playlist so I will not create a new playlist for Dr Rahim Gonstead.

The overall playlist of items featured on this blog is here:

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Photo by Eugene Chystiakov on Unsplash

Author: Phil Maud

Keen on privacy and IT Security. Interested in things that are broken and rusty. I use blogging to improve my writing.

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