Sleeping With ASMR

Following on from the previous blog post, there were a number of videos that I had not had the time to review in that article. I did promise (ish) that we might revisit the videos to see if any might be potential ASMR-generating or at the least restful and possibly sleep-inducing.

There remains a huge great list of videos still to review and so one extra post on this subject just isn’t going to cover it. Since then, I’ve also found that shorter posts seem to be more appreciated than longer ones such that it isn’t a fantastic idea to just plough on and subject you to page after page of video review.

In any case I suspect the driver for attending this blog at all is the output, which in this case is the playlist. In which case, stroll straight to the end where you will find it in all its splendidness.

So we return to ASMR Exams (the channel on YouTube).

By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, I think we had twenty videos which were neither reviewed nor added to any playlist (assuming they were any good ASMR-wise). I think five will do for this post, assuming that we find even one in those five worthy of addition to The Procrastination Pen playlist.

Let’s dive straight in:

Abdomen Exam (ASMR)

The professional’s voice is a little high-pitched to be truly restful. But at least it is quiet. A number of commentators dismiss this one as about as ASMR-y (potential official term) as a smack in the face with a wet cloth. However, the fact that the professional is a bit dithery does not (to me) discount this video. Although I suspect that the professional here may have struggled with whichever assessment, they were involved in.

At just shy of twenty-six minutes this is thorough indeed (although not excessively long in terms of videos that we have already seen on the blog).

The embroidery near to the left shoulder on the uniform of the medical professional states that the person is Maureen Bolmgren RN. In which case, given this is a quite tentative medical assessment this could have been when Maureen attended Middle Georgia State University. There is a channel for Middle Georgia State University with One Hundred and Four videos at the time I’m looking at it. This might be worthy of a future review.

Given a cuckoo clock kicks in at 18:24, I would guess that the examination is occurring in a domestic setting and so this is also indicative of a student assessment rather than a professional one. Incidentally that cuckoo clock is not at all restful. However, I will give the video the benefit of the doubt for the moment. It may get weeded out to the Procrastination Pen Archive at some future point.

If you search YouTube for Maureen Bolmgren you find this:

on a channel called MGA Nursing. This channel has forty-three videos and seems worthy of a future review.

Physical Assessment (ASMR)

Marina Bolshinsky introduces herself as the medical professional at the beginning.

Marina has a channel as well but it does not contain this video. The patient is Amber Rosenthal who it turns out is also a medical professional.

So this could well be an assessment video of the kind that we have seen before.

At 38:39 the video is a tad long and for me a tad loud. Other commentators have reflected the same.

We know the president is Barack Obama so it was filmed between 2009 and 2017. It appears that Amber and Marina would have been at Long Island University doing a Master’s degree at that time. Long Island University also has a channel which might be worthy of a future review.

This video also gets a bit dithery at intervals also a bit wordy with lots of nervous over-talking.

All told, this is not a great ASMR video and I won’t be adding it to The Procrastination Pen playlist.

Physical Assessment (ASMR)

There’s a helpful intro which states “Physical Assessment Head to Toe Examination Jamee Boutilier”. The “patient” is introduced as Jana. The university is also introduced but I can’t catch it. However, the shoulder badge reveals it to be Cape Breton University. which as we expect also has a YouTube channel (I might even review it at some point).

The video is chopped up into sections which when half asleep I doubt you will notice.

In fact, it isn’t startling in terms of ASMR but still worthy of The Procrastination Pen playlist I think. Future weeding might dispatch it, we’ll see how it settles in.

Physical Assessment (ASMR)

The health professional is Amy and the “patient” Tara (I think). They are in Missouri and it looks like a standard assessment video of the type we have covered before.

There is a University of Missouri offering nursing training in a number of locations.

They have a YouTube channel (as you would expect) with three hundred and ninety-six videos at the time I am looking at it.

Physical Assessment (ASMR)

Reading the comments on YouTube regularly as I do, I get the feeling that some people add one because they feel they have to, they don’t contribute anything worthwhile.

The medical professional is Kelly Lomack (I’m guessing the spelling again). She kindly tells us that she is a paediatric nurse at the University of Texas El Paso. The patient is Regan.

As expected UTEP has its own channel, Seven Hundred and Sixteen videos as at the time I’m looking at it – it’s a possible for a future review.

Kelly also has her own channel which may also be suitable for a future review.

It is considerably quieter than the previous one, thankfully. The patient appears to be as delighted at the activity as if she had a sack of coal for Christmas rather than the Ferrari she’d been dreaming of.

Right up to the point that she has to stand on one leg with her eyes closed, whereupon she loses balance. I have never seen this test before and it looks a tough one. At least it raised smiles all round.

This one belongs in the Procrastination Pen playlist.

The ASMR Exams playlist is here:

The overall playlist for items featured in this blog is here:

The videos which failed the grade after much listening are now in this archive list here:

I only keep the archive list in case I am removing some people’s favourites.

The playlist of videos requiring age verification is here:

I can’t be bothered to stop my listening to log on, this interrupts the experience for me. You may not mind this in which case this list is for you.

I hope that you find these playlists relaxing

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Photo by Shona Macrae

Author: Phil Maud

Keen on privacy and IT Security. Interested in things that are broken and rusty. I use blogging to improve my writing.

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