Sleeping With ASMR

Channels dedicated to ASMR are like the sweets of the ASMR world. Whilst sweets are an easy source of calories requiring no more than that you unwrap them; ASMR channels provide a range of videos pre-curated, edited and enhanced for ASMR effect. Sometimes I find a great video and I just can’t find anything like it anywhere else. I’m afraid the video this time comes from a channel which is (you guessed it) dedicated to ASMR.

Just like the aftermath of sweets though I have this sense of guilt about it since this blog has been dedicated of late to ordinary videos that just happen to have ASMR effects. Here we have some videos where someone else has decided that for me (i.e. done all the work).

Normal service will swiftly resume I assure you.

The channel is Roos it has two-hundred-and-seventy-three-thousand subscribers at the time of writing about it.

The first video is this one:

Unintentional ASMR | Full Medical Exam | Checkup

I’m sure this video is almost certainly edited to enhance its ASMR effect.

Thirty-seven minutes seventeen seconds so this is long for one of these edited videos.

The notes are: “21 Aug 2020 #asmr #unintentionalasmr

I will try to upload more unintentional ASMR video’s from the medical field, because I personally like these the most. I suffer from anxiety and depression and these video’s help me a lot, so I want to make them more easy to find. Please subscribe to get notified with the latest uploads. Original video can be found here: Hope you will feel relaxed after this video. Xx”

There are no notes with the video which tell us about the content.

However the “patient” is introduced as Kate and the medical professional I think (it isn’t that clear) introduces himself as Leonard Alvier (probably nothing like that spelling) student medical practitioner. No helpful comments on this video (in fact one derogatory one). So all-in-all a limited opportunity to discover this video anywhere else (such as the original source for the video).

This is introduced as Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, and Throat Exam. To be honest Leonard’s voice is not the most marvellous at the beginning (but that isn’t the first time we’ve come across that problem).

However, once the exam proper kicks off, this all settles down and it becomes a great deal calmer. At one point Leonard makes an error and has to repeat part of the exam, but this does not seem to significantly affect the progress. He also seems to get equipment problems (with a penlight) despite “changing the batteries today”. I wonder if that happens in a real exam? Errors like this seem to crop up in these videos which must show that they are filmed in a live environment and unedited after that.

The video finished rather abruptly in the middle of the Romberg’s test which causes me to speculate what happened then… (If anyone knows where the original is let me know).

I’ve seen a few now where the medical professional gets the patient to say ninety-nine during the exam.

It turns out “If it sounds louder over one area of the lungs, this is a sign of fluid (from pneumonia). We have patients say the letter E and then, if it sounds more like an A when we are listening to the lungs, this also can indicate pneumonia (because the fluid in the lungs transmits sounds differently).” So now we know…

This is a good one for the playlist.

The next one is this:

Unintentional ASMR | Medical Exam | Nurse Check Up | Demonstration With Ross

The notes are: “8 Feb 2021  #unintentionalasmr #realpersonasmr #medicalasmr

Unintentional ASMR

Nurse demonstration with Ross

I do not own this video, it has been shared for asmr purposes only!

#unintentionalasmr #realpersonasmr #medicalasmr”

I have no idea who Ross is so it doesn’t help in locating the original source. The introduction to the video states “Advanced Health Assessment Special Techniques: Cardiovascular & Peripheral Vascular System. Faculty Demonstration with Key Learning Points” sadly no guidance as to which institution it was filmed in. The medical professional here has a great voice. Ross does not seem to get a lot to say. “Ross” by the way occurs in other ASMR medical exam videos on other channels for example:

I am beginning to discover that we cycle back to the same videos via other channels as the process of discovering new videos continues. I will endeavour to point out duplicates as they come up. Let me know if you see any.

Cranial Nerve Examination | Nurse Check Up | Unintentional ASMR

The notes state: “7 Jan 2021  #unintentionalasmr #realpersonasmr #medicalexam

Ross is Back | Unintentional ASMR Nurse Examination | Full Physical

I don’t own anything. This video belongs to the university of Washington

#unintentionalasmr #realpersonasmr #medicalexam”

This indicates that the University of Washington is worthy of some future attention. (they, of course, have their own channel.)

Fortunately this time the video has a tail section that tells us the nurse was Jessica-Burke-Lazurus BSN, RN Midwifery-DNP Student (well she was when it was filmed in December 2011).

The model is Rosson Wiebe PMHNP-DNP Student  and it was filmed at the Center for Excellence in Nursing Education at the University of Washington for use on graduate health assessment courses. The closest channel I can find appears to be this one:

University of Washington GME

Unintentional ASMR | Full Medical Exam | Med School

This one is familiar in that it comes up in a number of recommendations via YouTube when I am reviewing other potential ASMR videos there are four hundred and eight one thousand views at the day I am looking at it and a few of those are probably me.

We quickly find that Courtney is the “patient” which is interesting because there is another video where the roles are reversed and Courtney is the medical professional. And the medical professional here – James as it turns out – is the patient. The James and Courtney pairing will almost certainly get better coverage in a future blog post.

The branding is Prohealthsys, which has its own channel on YouTube.

That channel does not have the above video in it any longer. There seem a number of Dr Vizniak videos but a brief review isn’t producing much in the way of ASMR content. It might be deserving of a more in-depth review in future.

The video concludes with reference to the Prohealthsys website.

The video seems to be filmed in a gym rather than a hospital (or school) environment – there is a set of weights in the background for example. Mirrors in amongst the gym equipment give some view of the environment which is not directly in front of the camera.

The examination table has a set of books laid out under it on a shelf – which is an arrangement I have not seen in any other video to date.

There is the constant background noise that we are used to in hospital-like environments which I have always attributed to air conditioning – although they must be in a desert judging by how hard this sounds to be working.

Definition: Cerumen Ear Wax

Dermotomes an area of skin supplied by a single nerve

There was a reference to “Mid-clavicular line” it turns out there are a few anatomical lines.

Pictures seem to be the easiest way to show these


The medical professional has a nice steady voice not actually quiet and certainly no Dr James Gill. However I think this is a good one for the playlist.

On a connected theme is this one:

Unintentional ASMR | Full Medical Exam | Med School

Here Courtney gets to examine James – the reverse of the earlier video. In the video where James was the medical professional Courtney did not get to say a great deal and I concluded that the video was a reasonable one for the playlist.

In this one Courtney is the main participant and so talks all the time. Sadly her voice is too loud throughout for this to be properly restful. Whilst similar material is covered to the earlier video this really is not suitable for the playlist.

The remaining videos are off-subject for us and all posted greater than one year ago. It looks like Roos moved from medical exams to makeup videos at this time – perhaps this blog will change in a similar way eventually but I won’t guarantee it.

Fortunately, this means we can cover these videos swiftly and dismiss them as irrelevant to the subject we’re trying to focus on. I’ll feature them in case anyone finds them of interest. (If prompted I may even add them to the playlist).

Unintentional ASMR | Winged Eyeliner Tutorial | Minimal Talking | Makeup

This is not a medical-related video so it isn’t relevant to this particular blog post. Unless I change focus in the future I will not be cycling back to cover it again however I have included it here in case any ASMR readers find it restful.

Macadamia koeken met witte chocolade | Recept |

Noisy, loud, boisterous, fast, no no no no. Not in the playlist

Unintentional ASMR | Victoria Jackson Cosmetics | VHS Commercial 90s

Nothing medical here

Unintentional ASMR | 80’s Make-up Look | Colourful Eyes | VHS

Not medical either

Unintentional ASMR | Make-up Tutorial | 80’s Make-up Kit | Soft Voice

Still not medical

Unintentional ASMR | 80’s Makeup and Hair Makeover

I’m probably biased in my assessment as makeup videos have no interest for me. However I have considered videos which have an alternative theme to medical exam ASMR videos previously (and I am certain to do so in the future).

Let me know if you’d like a makeup playlist and I will set one up.

The Roos playlist on The Procrastination Pen is here:

The overall playlist for all videos reviewed on The Procrastination Pen (and found worthy of listening to) is here:

The archive playlist (for videos previously in the above list but weeded out because after long term review they were found to be wanting) is here:

I only include the above one for people who might have had the odd one of these as a favourite.

The playlist for videos which could have been in the master playlist (but require a logon to verify your age) is here:

(Personally, I don’t bother with these as the logon, when you’re trying to sleep, is a pain in the neck but you may be more patient).

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Photo by Amy Chen on Unsplash

Author: Phil Maud

Keen on privacy and IT Security. Interested in things that are broken and rusty. I use blogging to improve my writing.

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