Sleeping With ASMR

I’m continuing the medical examination theme as I think at the moment it is proving to be reasonably fruitful. I wonder if there is some association between those providing care and calming/soothing voices.

Perhaps the medical training engenders not only medical talent but a predisposition to calm and soft-spoken. Long may people continue to train – medically – if that is the case.

Dr. Simmons – Exam

For those who are sleep afflicted. In this case I think we’re looking at an examination for someone (Victor) who has a need for a device to assist with a snoring condition. Snoring is something I only started to display in recent years, sleeplessness being not the only effect of gaining so much in age. Nothing like Victor though, thus far no one is suggesting an appliance.

Dr Simmons has a good voice, very calm and very attentive. The other thing I find with medical professionals like Dr Simmons is that they actually listen to what the other person is saying. This is a rare (and I’m sure much appreciated) skill.

Modus Five is the channel.

I count nineteen videos at today’s date of which only a subset are connected with medical examinations. (The current theme for these ASMR articles – although I’m sure that will change in time).

Seven seem to me medical-examination related so I’ll focus on these:

Victor Mouth Piece

Victor again (hence the title) and now we see the results of the earlier examination. CPAP is referred to here – a device that is used to treat breathing difficulties in sleep. These devices sound unpleasant to use and I’m guessing you use them where the alternatives are even more dire (such as apnoea).

The content is quite technical and the results sound quite worrying, hats off to people who use appliances like this and learn to live with them.

It is a little variable in terms of ASMR content and covers different examinations – I am not convinced this one belongs in the playlist.

Dr Simmons – Oral Appliance Therapy

The start of this video is not at all ASMR-y and the sound quality is not amazing. It stacks up as an advertisement. It is fascinating for someone (me) who attends NHS services to listen to a system where insurance information is very nearly the first question someone asks.

I will not include it in the playlist. I’ve included it here to allow you to evaluate it for yourself.

Sleep Apnoea

Not a medical exam as such, more of an interview which gives the background to Dr Simmons interest in this area. Of course, there is an interest in getting people to address snoring. I can only imagine the amounts of money that must be involved here.

Interesting but not much ASMR effect here – so I’ve not included it in the playlist.

Dr. John Roesler – Performing a Nasal Exam

Dr John Roesler rather than Dr Simmons here. This is quite an interesting interview, presumably especially if you do have sleep issues.

However the medical exam does not occur until a good way into the video (the patient is Dr Simmons). I don’t think this one is a candidate for the playlist.

Dr. Michael Simmons – Taking Dental Impression

This seems to start out quite loud and a bit too enthusiastic for a sleep-aid I think.

For some reason Dr Simmons has lost the soothing voice in this one and so it is not effective for ASMR. I also did not find the mixer noise at the beginning that soothing (other people may differ here). It’s not a candidate for the playlist.

Dr. Michael Simmons – Sleep Disorders

Designed for other professionals who are also providing treatment in the sleep problem area (dentists). It breaks the rules as there is no patient, no medical examination.

(Not that breaking the rules is necessarily a bad thing in terms of membership of the playlist.)

Although Dr Simmons is back on form with calming voice I am not going to include this one.

Overall therefore one video that is helpful in an ASMR fashion and quite a lot of fascinating content about managing sleep issues. That though is not the purpose of this blog (at the moment anyway).

Therefore there is no purpose in creating a playlist for Modus Five.

I will add the one video to the overall playlist for the ASMR videos covered so far.

That playlist is here:

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel @theprocrastinationpensite

(I have found the best way to view this is through YouTube rather than embedded in the blog – for example you get access to the ability to shuffle the order of the videos) (which can be helpful if you listen to the same playlist more than once).

I hope that you find it restful.

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Photo by Lydia Torrey on Unsplash

Author: Phil Maud

Keen on privacy and IT Security. Interested in things that are broken and rusty. I use blogging to improve my writing.

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