Sleeping With ASMR

If you have not been here before, Hi and welcome. This series of blog articles is designed to help you fall asleep. It intends to do this is by the creation of a long list of YouTube videos enclosed in a YouTube playlist in which every one of the videos has been reviewed (some of them several times).

The playlist is always at the end of one of these articles so if you are not keen to do much reading, you can scroll straight to the end and go to the playlist. My advice is always to watch it on YouTube itself because then you can watch in shuffle mode which randomises the order. The videos occur in the order that they are reviewed, which means videos by the same individual tend to occur together. Listening in sequence has the potential to get a bit samey at intervals.

Today, I am reviewing a video that cropped up due to a search using an old favourite “ROM and MMT” search which we have covered before.

This is connected with Occupational Therapy and does tend to produce a range of good ASMR-y (technical term) videos.

Measuring Edema, ROM, MMT

This for us is a fairly lengthy video at just over half an hour. Typically, recently, we have been dealing with shorter videos. But forget the length, how does it measure up?

Unusually for some of the more recent videos we’ve seen this one has notes and they are informative notes. “25 Mar 2021

UE Capstone Assignment for TWU – Masters of Occupational Therapy”. Comments are turned off which is helpful because it keeps the vicious commentators at bay.

The notes seem to refer to Texas Women’s University.

The medical professional here is Jordan Hanigan who is listed in the 2020 Cohort.

There is even a title page to the video “TWU-Houston, ROM, MMT, Edema, Jordan Butler – 03/24/2021”

I was convinced that was spelled “oedema” but obviously not. In any case, March a few years ago is positively yesterday compared to some of the material we have been covering.

There is then a follow up page “ROM, MMT, Edema, Due to scheduling, I used three participants to fill the content of this video. Participants consisted of my spouse, sibling and lab partner. Covid restrictions were upheld for the safety of all individuals.” No clue as to the names of these participants. Although the first “patient” is introduced as “Ashlin” (probably misspelled). I assume Ashlin is the “lab partner” referred to in the second title page.

The video starts reasonably quietly but has the kind of background noise that we have become used to from student videos. (Air conditioning noises, other students talking in the background, furniture noises and so on). This is a shame because it would seem that Jordan has a good calming voice and a methodical approach towards the examination with no sign of hesitation or rushing.

At intervals, at least, the chatter dies down even if the air conditioning is a constant companion.

I notice that cars are passing on the road outside and they appear like small model cars so I assume this is filmed at some elevation. Not that you will notice if you are using this video to get to sleep.

The video then switches to a domestic setting – different setting, different noise level, now we have “Stu” who I assume is the spouse referred to in the second title page.

After a flurry of adverts of a quite distracting volume (when I was watching it anyway) it becomes a lot quieter. The volume really does seem quite a bit down on the start. This might be an issue if you’re lying in stupor and don’t fancy rolling over to push the volume control. However, the approach remains methodical and Jordan still has a good voice so I think I’ll let it pass. This video might get removed from the Procrastination Pen playlist at a future review. (It also has the benefit that all the background noise of the early part of the video is just not there).

By now, people will be used to the “don’t let me move you” prompt. This seems a standard phrase in Occupational Therapy.

Some of the abbreviations used seem confusing.

But working out what the definitions mean doesn’t necessarily help

• Abductor pollicis longus (APL)

• Extensor pollicis longus (EPL)

• Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB)

• Flexor retinaculum (FR)

• Pronator quadratus (PQ)

The video then goes straight to Megan (which might be misspelled). I assume Megan is the sibling spoken of in the second title page, possibly younger sibling but I am terrible at predicting ages. Jordan was nee Butler so I’d have to guess Megan Butler therefore.

Having the video segue from section to section like this is distracting. I would much prefer it was three separate videos of which the latter two are better because the background noise is absent. The section with Megan is a bit echoey.

Perhaps the room with the TV has a very high ceiling or something. It is domestic again. The clues are large sofa, large TV on cabinet, corner pot plant, rug on floor and so on.

It is possible that this latter section of the video is the better one in ASMR terms. However, part way through there is the noise of someone possibly sneezing in an adjacent room, this seems a hazard with a number of these assessment videos. Presumably it is impossible to tell people to “KEEP IT DOWN” whilst trying to video such things.

There is a dog objecting to being restrained somewhere with what sounds like a chain clanging against a door, that is pretty distracting too.

Eventually someone works out that the dog should be put somewhere else and it settles down.

In ASMR terms it would be better split into three. Perhaps discard the first section altogether and edit the latter two to get rid of the most distracting noises. Of course, we do not get that option. There are many restful moments in the video so I’m going to let the less restful ones slide. It might be that it will join the dreaded Procrastination Pen archive list in the future.

The channel is Jordan Hanigan but we are not going to get our ASMR kicks on the back of it because it contains only two videos.

The above one and this one:

OT Assessment Binder_ Jordan Butler

This is the older video and is not a medical examination as such. It literally seems to be running through a binder of course material. Perhaps it is a way of verifying that the work was actually done. Jordan’s voice is not as restful in this video and the rapid turning of pages is distracting.

I think that this one is not for the Procrastination Pen playlist.

So this time, just the one video. Perhaps you’ll be hungry for more material the next time we meet on this blog.

One video means no Jordan Hanigan playlist on the Procrastination Pen.

The Procrastination Pen playlist (which is no-doubt what you have all been reading this in order to locate) is found here:

I have been listening to this playlist most nights and some of the videos that were members have now been removed. If any of your favourites are missing from that main playlist you can find them here in the archive list:

Quite often the videos getting removed have no faults other than occasional intrusive noises.

The playlist of items that are great for ASMR (but contain an age verification function), usually a great way to interrupt your listening in the middle of the night, is here:

I hope that you find the playlists restful and that you get a good night’s sleep.

Hope to see you again back here for the next blog article.

If you liked this blog item, why not subscribe to this blog.

Until next time.

Photo by Shona Macrae

Sleeping With ASMR

Continuing in our search for medical videos which may induce ASMR in some listeners (or at the very least induce enough relaxation to see you napping) we have today’s video:

Hip Extension and Hip Abduction MMT

This one is from the channel Dominican College which has just seven hundred and three subscribers as at today’s date (this seems a little low for a college). There are one hundred and ninety-four videos at the time I’m looking at it. This is a tad too many for any single blog post. There are seven playlists but many of these have a high number of videos in them. So in this case using playlists to narrow the field may not be effective. This is thirty-eighth in a thirty-nine video playlist “PT541 Basics of PT (2022)

I do not think that we will be covering thirty-nine videos in any single blog post even though some of them are quite short.

Today’s video is obviously filmed in a classroom setting, there is a general hubbub happening as for people chatting in the background. The sound is quite muted and the background noise is prevalent (I’d guess air conditioning again). It ends rather abruptly as well which might be off-putting.

It is marginal in terms of the purpose that we wish to put it to (engendering restfulness). This is no Hollie Berry or Vicki Scott. I’ll let it sneak into the Procrastination Pen playlist but it might be subject to future weeding.

The channel tells me very little about the college itself – merely that the channel was established in 2018.

Checking for Dominican College online I find that it has been rebranded to Dominican University now. I think I’ve found the correct one as it offers a PT programme (which is the subject of the playlist).

It is located in New York and has an interesting history.

Whilst we’re in the playlist let’s see if there are any others worthy of examination.

Given the large number of videos in this playlist I think we’ll need to arbitrarily cut the number. I’m going to choose five and then revisit on another occasion.

Gross UE ROM Screen

I wonder if the small number of subscribers is because it was posted for a specific reason, say a class during a time of Covid or something similar.

The tutor is Justine Ward. Sadly there is no channel for Justine, there might have been a chance to find something with better audio quality.

The sound quality is no better on this video and given it is less than three minutes it isn’t worth adding to The Procrastination Pen playlist.

Assessment of knee flexion end feel

A short video at just over a minute. Sadly the sound quality does not improve, the teaching professional really needs a lapel mic. Given it is so short, again, I don’t see the point in adding it to The Procrastination Pen playlist (it might have sneaked in had the sound quality been better).

The theme of these videos is they all seem to end abruptly which is even less great given it gives the opportunity for a loud YouTube advert to kick in immediately afterwards.

UE strength screen

This is two minutes long and the sound quality is not great. There is however no classroom banter in this one which helps. Someone does clear his throat part way through (I assume the person holding the camera).

There is a repeat of the “don’t let me move you” phrase we’ve encountered before. Again, I don’t think this will make it to The Procrastination Pen playlist.

Assessing ankle DF and elbow ext end feel

This is very short at just over one and a half minutes and the noise quality is not the greatest here. It’s noisy to begin with, slightly better as it settles down later on.

It’s also unnerving in places. I’m sure if some of the manipulations were tried on my elbow for example, I’d be nursing it for a long time afterwards.

It doesn’t belong in The Procrastination Pen playlist.

There is only one candidate video this time. As a consequence I will not create a playlist on The Procrastination Pen for Dominican College.

However, the playlist for all videos covered on The Procrastination Pen so far is here:

I recommend you view it on YouTube (rather than on this blog) then you will be able to use the shuffle function so that the videos play in a random order.

The archive playlist of videos that were in the above playlist but found after repeated review not to make the grade, is here:

I keep this in case subscribers to the Procrastination Pen have personal favourites that they want to hear.

The playlist of videos requiring age verification is here:

I can’t be bothered to stop trying to relax in order to log on, this interrupts the listening experience. You may not mind this in which case this list is for you.

I hope that you find the playlists restful and I hope you get plenty of sleep.

If you liked this blog article why not follow this blog.

I hope you find the playlist relaxing, any feedback is welcome.

Until next time.

Photo by Shona Macrae

Sleeping With ASMR

As promised in an earlier blog item, I decided to follow up on “ROM and MMT” as a search term. This results in a great many videos with the kind of unpleasant noises in them which prove to be distracting.

There are however, a multiplicity of videos on this theme. It is a matter of persistence to find one which doesn’t have the air conditioning pretending it is a steel band.

UE Evaluation Review

The title is: “UE Functional Assessment ROM & MMT Screening Pinch & Grip, Edema & Pain”.

(I was pretty sure that was oedema – but obviously not.)

Janey is the medical professional in this one, Lisa is the “patient”. It is not as relaxing as Vicki Scott but is pretty calming. At only seven minutes thirty-nine seconds it is quite a good length for a medical exam. Fortunately, it lacks much in the way of obtrusive background noise.

Janey Detommaso is the channel. There is nothing posted here more recently than four years ago. This video is the shortest one. There are four videos and Lisa only features in this one.

With only four videos and none of these any longer than fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds, it’s worthwhile running through the others to see if they are any good ASMR-wise.

Shoulder & Elbow ROM and MMT

The title at the start of the video is “Range of Motion & Manual Muscle Testing ROM of the Shoulder, Elbow and Forearm” which is handy as that fits with the search term I was originally using.

In this one Janey is a bit loud from the start. The camera angle is a bit odd. It is probably just propped on a table somewhere. But it isn’t the visual aspect of the video that is the reason for us being here. At intervals, Janey tones it down a bit and actually gets to quiet. It is a shame she doesn’t do this the whole way through the video because when Janey chooses to do this she has a great voice.

Subsequently the filming switches to a bedroom – which leads me to suspect the whole video is part of some student assessment process. I would guess that otherwise it would be filmed in a medical establishment.

At fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds this is the longest of the four videos on this channel. There are twenty-three subscribers but no comments. It is conceivable (though not probable) that no one in the ASMR community has yet reviewed this one.

Midterm practicum: NDT, PNF, Rood, & Brunnstrom techniques

The sound on this one is really poor. It seems to have been filmed in a group situation in which people are paired off.

Other people are talking away in the background. It is difficult to distinguish the main track in this video. This really wrecks it for ASMR sadly.

This is not one for the playlist then.

The badge on Janey’s top seems to indicate it is at an establishment with the acronym TWU. This is potentially Texas Women’s University who seem to offer occupational health courses at Dallas and Houston locations.

It is a shame about that sound quality.

Hand & Wrist ROM/MMT

This video is twelve minutes fifteen seconds so it is the second longest video on this channel (and the final one available). Mr Hernandez crops up again (we saw him in the “Shoulder & Elbow ROM and MMT” video earlier).

Again, the interior appears domestic rather than medical. At the start of the video there is a strange flickering light behind the window Mr Hernandez is sat in front of. This is distracting, but only if you’re watching. As we’re all about the listening experience here, I’m ignoring it.

The sound is quite good, there is no background noise and Janey seems at her most calm here compared to any of the videos covered in this article.

This one seems well worthy of the Procrastination Pen playlist as it is quite relaxing.

The playlist for Janey Detommaso is here:

The overall playlist for all videos covered so far in this blog is here:

The archive list of videos that once made it into the overall playlist but upon reflection did not make the grade is here:

That list only exists in case I remove someone’s favourite video.

The playlist of videos requiring age verification is here:

Warning this list will cause you to stop in order to log on to verify your age. If you’re happy with that then this playlist is for you. Personally I just ceased watching any material that requires that logon.

If you liked this blog article why not subscribe to this blog.

Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

Sleeping With ASMR

One of the aspects of being in the fifth decade is that memory is not what it was. The title meant absolutely nothing to me. Then I discovered that I had encountered it before in this blog, not only that, but I’d defined it as well.

For people, like me who had forgotten ROM and MMT , MMT is manual muscle testing ROM is range of motion. Both of these appear to be occupational therapy terms and look likely to be the subject of future searches for ASMR videos.

The associated text tells us “Jordan Butler: ROM & MMT (gravity resisted & eliminated) upper extremities.”. Given the channel is called Michelle Hanigan I am assuming that Jordan Butler is the “patient” in this one.

The Michelle Hanigan channel has no playlists but that should not be a problem for us on this occasion as there are only two videos in it, the featured one is this:


As the video opens it’s pretty obvious this is not a typical work environment – sofa – immense TV – modern looking occasional table – almost certainly domestic. I’m assuming that this is some kind of video put together by a student of occupational therapy. It does not have the appearance of one of those videos discussed previously which is professionally composed in order to mimic a medical examination.

The sound quality isn’t fantastic. Although Michelle has a good voice it’s a bit muted in this recording, probably resulting from use of a remote rather than a lapel mic.

Michelle seems to be consulting notes off camera on a few occasions which I think reinforces the view that this is part of a learning experience. In addition, at intervals they both seem to be trying not to laugh. The person holding the “camera” makes the odd noise occasionally – I think that confirms the video isn’t a professional effort. Also at the end the dog makes an appearance.

Despite the sound limitations I think this is a good one ASMR-wise and worthy of inclusion in the playlist.

The second video is this one:

Movement Video

To be honest this seems to be a shorter version of the previous video (this one is ten minutes twenty six seconds the previous one is fourteen minutes twelve seconds)

On that basis there is no point in including this one in the playlist as well.

As there is only one video on this occasion, I will not create a Michelle Hanigan playlist. However, the ROM & MMT video I will add to the overall list of ASMR videos covered so far in this blog, which is here:

I hope that you’re still finding them restful.

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Photo by Nadezhda Nikolaenko on Unsplash