Sleeping With ASMR

If you have been reading this for a while then you will notice that this is a return to a channel we’ve been to before and if you haven’t then you’ve been missing out and a whole breadth of reading experience awaits.

As usual I will be reviewing some YouTube videos for their ASMR potential and, if they are considered fitting, they get to go into the Procrastination Pen playlist.

Behind the scenes I continue to review that playlist over time, booting out those which are less brilliant than hoped, so that the main list should continue to be full of the best ones I have found so far.

I welcome suggestions. Any video which was not intended to be an ASMR video but which is effective in that respect and, if I agree that it is a good one, it will turn up in a future blog item.

Today’s video is this one:

The Exam for Ankle & Foot Pain – Stanford Medicine 25

It fits with the medical examination theme which has run through quite a number of these blog items (although I do ring the changes occasionally.

At just under seven and a half minutes it isn’t very long but given it is from a medical school it shares with a number of professional videos we’ve seen the provision of a healthy set of notes which are these:

“19 Jul 2018 Stanford Medicine 25: Musculoskeletal Exam

This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you the common causes of foot and ankle pain and how to diagnose them by the physical exam.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

Visit us:


Blog: http://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.ed…



Diagnoses covered in this video:

Lateral Ankle Sprain

Talar Dome Osteochondral Defect

5th Metatarsal Fracture

Achilles Tendinopathy

Interdigital (Morton’s) Neuroma

Stress Fracture of 2nd Metatarsal

Plantar Fasciitis

Hallux Valgus (Bunion)”

Bravely this video permits comments, but one outcome of which is that I can tell ASMR fans have been here long before me.

By now we are familiar with the format of videos from this channel. Firstly there is the introductory music; not as loud as some we’ve heard but it would be great if it could be dispensed with altogether.

Dr Brinda Christopher is of course familiar to us.

As is the patient for this video “Chad” as well (hopefully I did not misspell that).

Dr Christopher starts a little loud but settles into her stride pretty swiftly. Sadly there is the ever-present background noise which we’ve heard in other videos and may well be air conditioning.

The channel of course is

Stanford Medicine 25

253K subscribers at the date I am looking at it

Surprisingly just eighty-five videos, when even some university promotional channels have more than that.

However eighty five is a few too many to get into a blog post. There are thirteen playlists and ours is in this one:

Stanford Medicine 25: Musculoskeletal Exam

However, I think for this post we will stick with Dr Christopher. For this purpose, a standard YouTube search is an approach. This brings up three videos, the one we started with and two further videos.

This is the first one:

The Exam for Shoulder Pain – Stanford Medicine 25

Just under ten and a half minutes, so more substantial in terms of length and it is pretty much like the last one (professionally produced videos have the advantage, or possibly the disadvantage, of being consistent).

The notes are:

“19 Jul 2018 Stanford Medicine 25: Musculoskeletal Exam

This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you the common causes of shoulder pain and how to diagnose them by the physical exam.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

Visit us:


Blog: http://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.ed…



Diagnoses covered in this video:

Rotator Cuff Pathology

Impingement Syndrome

Biceps Tendinopathy

Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)

Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Disease

Shoulder Instability

Labral Tears (SLAP Lesions)”

The same medical professional, the same patient. The same approach, the same background noise, the same music and so on.

Again, ASMR fans are way ahead of me – see the comments. The earliest I can see is over a year ago as at today’s date but of course not every ASMR fan is going to fill in the comments.

As before the video gets quieter and therefore more appealing the more it proceeds. If you feel that the start is a little loud it is worthwhile persisting with it.

This is the second one:

The Exam for Knee Pain – Stanford Medicine 25

Notes again:”19 Jul 2018 Stanford Medicine 25: Musculoskeletal Exam

This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you the common causes of knee pain and how to diagnose them by the physical exam.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

Visit us:


Blog: http://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.ed…



Knee Diagnoses Covered in Video:

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury

Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury

Medial & Lateral Menisci Injury

Anterior Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Pain)


Inflamed Knee with Effusion

Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)

Stress Fracture of Tibia”

Yet again, comments from ASMR devotees, so it is consistent with the other two.

Just under eight minutes so not huge. Again with the start music, sigh, and then reacquainting ourselves with the background noise. Same medical professional, same “patient”.

This is the last in this set that I can find and the last in this blog item. The comments as for previous videos in this post apply equally to this one.

There is also a lead out set of music and a statement about copyright, either of which might prove to be distracting over time, if so these may ultimately get weeded out

The Stanford Medicine playlist on the Procrastination Pen is here:

The overall playlist of videos covered so far on the Procrastination Pen is here:

The videos weeded out because over time they are just not as good as the others is in this archive list:

I keep this in case subscribers to the Procrastination Pen have personal favourites that they want to hear.

The playlist of videos requiring age verification is here:

I can’t be bothered to stop my listening experience to log on, this interrupts the listening experience. You may not mind this in which case this list is for you.

I hope that you find the playlists restful and I hope you get plenty of sleep.

If you liked this blog article why not follow this blog.

Until next time.

Photo by Tuna on Unsplash

Sleeping With ASMR

This time have one which appears to be verifiably from a medical school – Warwick Medical School in fact.

I did not find the introductory music particularly restful. It is not the first time I have wished that I could edit videos on YouTube (so that I only get the nice bits). (The music quits at nine seconds – in case you want to forward it).

Dr Gill turns up a lot on YouTube and I have no doubt will crop up again in another blog item. He has a very restful voice (well in the videos, I don’t know him personally you understand.)

Respiratory Examination

Not unexpectedly Warwick Medical School has quite a number of such videos. Not all of which are spectacular from the ASMR point of view (it was not their purpose in life let’s face it).

Roughly one hundred and nineteen videos as at today – too many I think to cover in one blog item (unless you’re reading this in order to get some sleep in which case I’m sure that it would have been ideal. I’m sorry to disappoint.)

Fortunately they have been considerate enough to provide their own playlist for this purpose:


This is still forty three videos long however – perhaps sufficient for a whole series of blog items (now there’s a thought).

I notice that of the forty three – nineteen are actually on the YouTube channel of Dr James Gill himself rather than that of Warwick Medical School – well that’s convenient.

As Dr James Gill has a good voice and his own channel, I suspect we will be returning to him at a future date and so we can discount the videos on his channel for the current moment.

One of the forty three videos comes up flagged as private so we have forty two less nineteen to look at.

That will make this a very long blog post.

If you just want your ASMR kicks scroll right to the end where you will find the playlist details.

Clinical Examination

This is also part of the cranial nerve exam videos – a subject which appears to be very popular on YouTube amongst ASMR devotees.

Clinical Examination

Dr Gill again – obviously a prolific supplier of YouTube videos. I look forward to exploring his channel in a later blog article. This is also a further video in the cranial nerve series, which is proving as popular as the reflex hammer videos about which entire compilations have been put together. (I am not a great fan of compilation videos unless the source videos just cannot be found.)

Clinical Examination

I’m pretty sure this does not qualify under the current category of medical examination as it is more of an instruction video. Actually it is rather good, so I’ll make an exception and add it to the playlist in any case.

Clinical Skills

Dr Gill again, although it is also an instruction video I’m also well-disposed to it and so it is going into the playlist (also it has the benefit of lacking any additional peppy music).

Clinical Examination

Here we see Aden again (as the patient). He seems to crop up in a few of these.

Clinical Examination

Aden crops up again but here he is the medical student in the doctor role. Actually the video is rather good – perhaps a large number of medical students are naturally softly spoken.

Annotated – Clinical Examination

Dr Gill again in another early video – if you’ve stuck with this you’ll recognise the patient as well.

Clinical Examination of – The Shoulder

And yet more Dr Gill (I said he was prolific).

Hip Clinical Examination

I love the fact that Dr Gill asks the “patient” to show him his umbilicus as if this was a reasonably well known term. I had to look it up – it’s your belly button by the way.

Clinical Skills Tutorial

There is something wrong with the sound on this one – it is significantly quieter than the others here. So I think I will drop this one from the playlist.

Clinical History Example

For me the voices in this one are less relaxing so this too I’ll discount from the playlist.

Warwick Approach to Clinical History Taking

Again, not really an ASMR inducer so this one isn’t on the playlist.

Breast Clinical Examination

Not what you’d expect. The person involved is wearing a plastic pair – which I think means I can include it without causing offence. Let me know if offended and I’ll delete it from the playlist.

Breast Examination Models

These are obviously the same as the plastic pair the person was wearing in the video above. Not desperately marvellous from an ASMR point of view though so I will not include it in the playlist.

The Shoulder

Again this voice isn’t quite right for me, so I won’t include it in the playlist. I include these videos only for completeness as different people react differently.

Spine Clinical Examination

Dr James Gill again, the start music is a bit bright but at least it is brief. Not quite as good as the first one but still worthy of inclusion in the playlist I think.

Hand Clinical Examination

What comes home to me in a lot of these ASMR videos is the huge distance between the date of birth of the participants and my own date of birth. In this case 30 years. Fortunately when I am trying to sleep my brain is unlikely to be alert enough to take in what this means for my age – which must be alike to Methuselah now.

Knee Clinical Examination

Dr Gill again – who is starting to seem a significant ASMR asset, the videos in which he appears are quite consistent in terms of relaxing.

Clinical Examination

Dr Gill this time a clinical examination of the respiratory system. Again with the stimulating initial music – it must be some kind of Warwick Medical School brand.

The whole experience conveys an atmosphere of stillness. I can imagine that being treated by Dr Gill is quite destressing.

Thyroid Clinical Examination

Freakily out of focus at the beginning. However that isn’t going to influence any ASMR symptoms. This one features Abbey again (we saw her in the hand clinical examination earlier). This one is really technical in places, I just let it wash over. Let me know if it bothers you and I’ll delete it from the playlist.

The subject of bruit comes up in several of these videos – an audible swishing sound – usually an abnormal one.

Thyroid Examination Demonstration

Dr Gill and Abbey again, who must be the most reliable volunteer in this set so far. If anything this one appears to be more relaxing than some that have gone before in this blog item.

Abdominal System Examination

Dr Gill, and again it starts with the camera fighting for focus. Here Dr Gill is examining David (who I don’t think we’ve seen before). As before a beautifully calm presentation.

Again I’ve created a playlist of these (the longest of this blog so far) which is here:

I’ve updated the complete playlist to reflect the new videos as well

That is here:

I hope that you find it relaxing

Photo by

Victoria Tronina on Unsplash

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